
Pet quilts for the shelter

I have been working on quilts for the local pet shelter. There are several tops completed awaiting the layering process. 

This is what happened when I tried to take a photo of the first completed quilt. Lathandar decided to test the comfort. I'll wash it before donating, so it doesn't have our cats scent on it. 

The quilt passed inspection and he is now napping on it. Its as if there were no quilts lying around the house for our cats and dogs...except on the three pet beds, one on the couch, the three in various rooms, and the one inside the crate on my desk.

The fabrics were donated by a person who worked at a furniture store. The fabrics were 18 inch (give or take a bit) swatches. Due to the size of the swatches, the quilts will be very colorful with different textures of fabric. I hope the animals find the different textures interesting. I am so thankful for the donation and will put the fabrics to good use. All will be used for quilts for the pet shelter. 

I need to do something about all the wires on the desk. 

Our cat in the box

Here sits our adorable cat, Lathandar. He made me laugh this morning by trying to fit into a 5 1/2 inch by 9 1/2 inch box. I recycle boxes for drawer or closet organizers. I filled this with empty prescription bottles and he tried to get comfortable. He was only able to get his front two legs in. 

I aided the little guy by getting a bigger box. He found it cozy and is now sleeping. Here is the funny part, less than three feet away on the other side of my laptop is the kennel that I put on the desk to make him comfortable. It contains his cushy blanket, but he preferred the empty box.